Space of Potential Possibilities

PART 1: Something that works, again and again for some time, is a solution. Something that endures through time, that doesn't just apear and disapear. (Examples: water stream, hunting tactics of African wild dogs, insect wing ...)
Now, let's imagine all the possible solutions that were ither implemented at any time in the past, or are implemented in the present, or could be implemented at any point in time in the future.

Such a thing is the infinite potential of solutions. Or: Space of Potential Solutions.

It has nothing to do with immaterial beings like gods, History with capital H etc. It contains only what has a potential to be materialised. It is immensely diverse. From, i dont know, the most gentle and imagintive way of showing affection, to the Nazi industry of death.
When a solution is introduced into reality it does not just sink into it, it changes reality. For the present, the future and the past, the past is included since the context is changed. Because it is the solutions that shape the reality and its dynamics. A new solution is a brake in the established patterns of events. A shortcut between reality and the infinite Space of Potential Solutions.

Rešitve so same po sebi posamezne, nepovezane. Njihov edini pogoj za obstoj je, da vstopijo v resničnost in se reproducirajo skozi nekaj časa. Ideje pa so čisto nekaj drugega. So smer, v katero naj se spreminja stvarnost. A ideje obstajajo le posredno, s pomočjo tistih rešitev, ki vlečejo realnost v svojo smer. Poleg tega ideje, za razliko od rešitev, po svojem prvem vstopu v stvarnost ne morejo prenehati obstajati.

Video: O potencialu in rešitvah

Zakaj pa sploh potrebujemo nove rešitve? Zakaj bi potrebovali prelome in kratke stike v ustaljenih vzorcih dogodkov?
Za začetek nove rešitve vnašajo nepredvidljivost, ta pa je zanimiva.
Zorni kot pa je odvisen tudi od časovnega okvirja: Dobro uveljavljene bolj ali manj funkcionalne poti in navade so nujno potrebne za preživetje na kratek rok. Na srednji in dolgi rok pa so iskanje novih rešitev, eksperimentiranje in sledenje idejam ne le zanimive, ampak ključne tudi za preživetje. Še posebej v časih, kot je naš, ko se zdi, da stvari hitro razpadajo.

1 / 37
Little being 1, with 2 propelors down, floating.
2 / 37
Little being 1, with 2 propelors down, floating.
3 / 37
Little propelor-being 2 floating.
4 / 37
Little propelor-being 2 floating.
5 / 37
Little propelor-being 2 floating.
6 / 37
Little propelor-being 2 floating.
7 / 37
Little propelor-being 2 floating.
8 / 37
Little being 3, narrow and up-right, floating.
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Little being 3, narrow and up-right, floating.
10 / 37
Little beings 2 and 3 floating.
11 / 37
Little beings 1,2 and 3 floating.
12 / 37
Little beings 1 and 2 floating.
13 / 37
Little beings 1,2 and 3 floating.
14 / 37
Little beings 1 and 4 floating.
15 / 37
Little being 1 and 2 floating.
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Little being 1 floating.
17 / 37
Little being 1, with 2 propelors, floating, top-down view.
18 / 37
Little being 4, split-tale, floating.
19 / 37
Little being 5, with 2 propelors up, floating.
20 / 37
Being 1, with 2 propelors down, design with measures.
21 / 37
Little being 1, with 2 propelors down, standing high.
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Little being 1, with 2 propelors down, standing high.
23 / 37
Little being 1, with 2 propelors down, standing high - buttom-up view.
24 / 37
Little being 1, with 2 propelors down, standing high - buttom-up view, close-up.
25 / 37
Little being 1, with 2 propelors down, standing on the edge.
26 / 37
Little being 1, with 2 propelors down, standing on the edge, back view.
27 / 37
Little being 1, with 2 propelors down, standing on the edge, back view.
28 / 37
Little being 1, with 2 propelors down, standing behind the croud.
29 / 37
Little being 1, with 2 propelors down, standing behind the video screen.
30 / 37
Little being 1, with 2 propelors down, standing behind the video screen.
31 / 37
Little being 1, with 2 propelors down, standing behind the video screen, close-up.
32 / 37
Potential outcomes bursting out of each moment, scheme.
33 / 37
Space of Potential Solutions. Or; Infinite Potential of Solutions. Scheme.
34 / 37
Infinite Potential of Solutions / Space of Potential Solutions and time. Scheme.
35 / 37
New solution entering reality as a Shortcut between Space of Potential Solutions and reality. Scheme.
36 / 37
New solution entering and changing reality each time. Scheme.
37 / 37
IDEAS as a part of Infinite Potential of Solutions / Space of Potential Solutions. Scheme.

Julij Borštnik


phone: +38651237407