Umetnost: učenje odraslih

znotraj dveh 4-letnih programov za odrasle in mlade: v Likovni šoli v Mestni galeriji Nova Gorica, katero smo leta 2016 ustanovili kiparji Katja Oblak, Anja Kranjc in Julij Borštnik v sodelovanju z Mestno galerijo Nova Gorica, ter v Likovno izobraževalnem centru (LICE) v Ribnici od leta 2011.

Začetni poudarek programa, namenjenega vsem generacijam, ne glede na likovno predznanje, je spoznavanja s Klasičnimi pristopi likovne umetnosti, čemur se skozi štiri leta postopoma pridruži izlet v spoznavanje s pristopi, ki so jih vpeljale Moderne avantgarde 20. stoletja.

Modeliranje, risanje in slikanje dopolnjujejo Kratka interaktivna predavanja o Zgodovini umetnosti in Likovni teoriji, ki so neposredno integrirana v program. Skupaj pa obiskujemo tudi likovne razstave. Na ta način program združuje razumevanje konceptov s praktičnim delom.

V prvem letniku se spoznamo z osnovami risanja prostora in človeške figure po živem modelu ter z modelacijo doprsnega portreta v glini. V drugem letniku sicer rišemo figuro in uvedemo v barve, pri kiparstvu pa modeliramo dele telesa in se jih naučimo odlivati v mavec in druge materiale. V tretjem in četrtem letniku nadaljuejmo s spoznavanjem barvnih principov ter z modeliranjem figure.
Od drugega letnika dalje se odpravljamo na vse daljše izlete v spoznavanje z modernimi pristopi, ki so jih v likovno umetnost vpeljala avantgardna gibanja 20. st.
Poglavitni cilji programa so seznaniti udeležence tako s klasičnimi kot modernimi principi Likovne umetnosti, ter razvijati občutek za neposredno a natančo ustvarjalno izražanje.

Več o Likovni šoli v Mestni galeriji Nova Gorica si lahko ogledate na .

1 / 55
Drawing of a seated figure, model in the backgorund.
2 / 55
Drawing of a standing figure, model in the backgorund.
3 / 55
Drawing of a standing figure, charrcoal in hand, model in the backgorund.
4 / 55
Tens of sketches spread on the studio floor.
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Tens of sketches spread on the studio floor.
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Tens of sketches spread on the studio floor, close up.
7 / 55
Painting a cube in charcoal.
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Painting a cube in charcoal.
9 / 55
Painting a cube and basic bodies with black and white colors.
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Painting a cube and basic bodies with black and white colors.
11 / 55
Basic bodies on a cube in black and white colors.
12 / 55
Painting basic bodies in colors.
13 / 55
Painting basic bodies in colors.
14 / 55
Preparing clay.
15 / 55
Modeling a skull in clay.
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Modeling a skull in clay.
17 / 55
Modeling a portrait in clay.
18 / 55
Modeling a portrait in clay.
19 / 55
Modeling a portrait in clay.
20 / 55
Modeling a portrait in clay.
21 / 55
Casting a foot.
22 / 55
Modeling a foot in clay.
23 / 55
Modeling a foot in clay.
24 / 55
Modeling a hand in clay.
25 / 55
Modeling a hand in clay.
26 / 55
Modeling a torso in clay.
27 / 55
Modeling a torso in clay.
28 / 55
Modeling a real-size seated figure in clay.
29 / 55
Modeling a real-size seated figure in clay.
30 / 55
Modeling a real-size seated figure in clay.
31 / 55
Modeling a small-size seated figure in clay.
32 / 55
Co-mentor Katja Oblak reading books on art.
33 / 55
Painting basic bodies in basic colors.
34 / 55
Painting basic bodies in basic colors.
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Painting basic bodies in basic colors.
36 / 55
Painting still life with apples in cromatic colors.
37 / 55
Painting still life with apples in cromatic colors.
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Painting still life with apples in cromatic colors.
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Painting still life with apples in cromatic colors.
40 / 55
Painting still life with apples in cromatic colors.
41 / 55
Painting still life with apples in cromatic colors.
42 / 55
Painting individual projects in colors.
43 / 55
Painting individual projects in colors.
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Painting individual projects in colors.
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Painting individual projects in colors.
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Painting individual projects in colors.
47 / 55
Making a plaster cast of a Brancusi project.
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Making a plaster cast of a Brancusi project.
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Co-mentor Katja Oblak helping in the cast-making process of a Brancusi project.
50 / 55
Interactive lecture in Art History.
51 / 55
Interactive lecture in Art History.
52 / 55
Interactive lecture in Art History.
53 / 55
Interactive lecture in Art History.
54 / 55
Discussion with the author on an exhibition.
55 / 55
Discussing artwork on an exhibition.

1 / 32
Learning Linear Perspective the old, Reinassance way, using 15th c. device.
2 / 32
Learning Linear Perspective the old, Reinassance way, using 15th c. device.
3 / 32
Learning Linear Perspective the old, Reinassance way, using 15th c. device.
4 / 32
Learning Linear Perspective the old, Reinassance way, using 15th c. device.
5 / 32
Learning Linear Perspective the old, Reinassance way, using 15th c. device.
6 / 32
Learning Linear Perspective the old, Reinassance way, using 15th c. device.
7 / 32
Deducing Linear Perspective from the examples from 15th and 14th century.
8 / 32
Deducing Linear Perspective from the examples from 15th and 14th century.
9 / 32
Deducing Linear Perspective from the examples from 15th and 14th century.
10 / 32
A group sculptural project of the 4th year atendees.
11 / 32
A group sculptural project of the 4th year atendees.
12 / 32
A group sculptural project of the 4th year atendees.
13 / 32
A group sculptural project of the 4th year atendees.
14 / 32
A group sculptural project of the 4th year atendees.
15 / 32
A group sculptural project of the 4th year atendees.
16 / 32
A group sculptural project of the 4th year atendees.
17 / 32
A group sculptural project of the 4th year atendees.
18 / 32
How to express relationships inside the group? A 4th year sculptural project.
19 / 32
How to express relationships inside the group? A 4th year sculptural project.
20 / 32
How to express relationships inside the group? A 4th year sculptural project.
21 / 32
How to express relationships inside the group? A 4th year sculptural project.
22 / 32
How to express relationships inside the group? A 4th year sculptural project.
23 / 32
How to express relationships inside the group? A 4th year sculptural project.
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How to express relationships inside the group? A 4th year sculptural project.
25 / 32
How to express relationships inside the group? A 4th year sculptural project.
26 / 32
How to econvey a feeling about something you love to do? A 4th year individual project.
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How to econvey a feeling about something you love to do? A 4th year sculptural project.
28 / 32
How to econvey a feeling about something you love to do? A 4th year sculptural project.
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How to econvey a feeling about something you love to do? A 4th year sculptural project.
30 / 32
How to econvey a feeling about something you love to do? A 4th year sculptural project.
31 / 32
Invitation to the exhibition in Gallery Srečišče, Hostel Celica, Lj.
32 / 32
Invitation to the exhibition in Gallery Srečišče, Hostel Celica, Lj.

Julij Borštnik


telefon: +38651237407