Umetnost: učenje otrok

znotraj dveh likovnih šol: v Likovni šoli v Mestni galeriji Nova Gorica, katero smo leta 2016 ustanovili kiparji Katja Oblak, Anja Kranjc in Julij Borštnik v sodelovanju z Mestno galerijo Nova Gorica, ter v Likovno izobraževalnem centru (LICE) v Ribnici od leta 2011.

Poudarek programa za otroke je podpora otrokom pri ustvarjalnem izražanju in likovni domišljiji. Iščemo spoj med igro, ustvarjalnim raziskovanjem in učenjem. Rišemo črno belo in barvno, slikamo z barvami, kiparimo v glini, kartonu, papirju ...

Tematsko se program vsako leto spreminja ter se tekom leta prilagaja dinamiki v skupini. Tema je lahko npr. prostor: prostor ateljeja, prostor otroške igre, prostor domišljije. Tema je lahko tudi vprašanje “Kaj me zanima?”, odgovor na katero otroci iščejo skozi likovno ustvarjanje. Kot tudi Prazgodovina, Antika, dela ključnih avtorjev iz Zgodovine umetnosti (Breughel, Pollock, Picasso, Stupica ...), zgodbe iz vsakdana ipd.

S pomočjo animacijske tehnike stop-motion pa like, ki jih ustvarijo otroci, občasno oživimo tudi v kratkih filmih.

Otroci ustvarjajo pretežno samostojno, pogosto pa tudi v manjših skupinah.
Največji mentorjev uspeh je, ko otroke njihovo ustvarjanje 'zgrabi', da padejo vanjo kot v napeto igro, ter potrebujejo le nekoliko pomoči pri delu z likovnimi materiali. Da to postane možno pa potrebujejo veliko pozornosti, vztrajnosti in podpore.

Več o Likovni šoli v Mestni galeriji Nova Gorica si lahko ogledate na .

Pričetek učenja otrok sega v leto 2012, ko sva s Katjo Oblak izvajala delavnice KipiGibi v Galeriji Srečišče v Hostlu Celica.

1 / 81
Children modeling playground in clay.
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Children modeling playground in clay.
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Children modeling playground in clay.
4 / 81
Children modeling playground in clay, close-up.
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Children modeling playground in clay, close-up.
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Children modeling playground in clay, from the side.
7 / 81
Children drawing the Selfportrait from Albrech Durer.
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Children drawing the Selfportrait from Albrech Durer.
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Children drawing the Selfportrait from Albrech Durer.
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Children drawing the Selfportrait from Albrech Durer.
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Children drawing the Selfportrait from Albrech Durer.
12 / 81
Children painting on the exibition from Wilhelm Heiliger.
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Children painting on the exibition from Wilhelm Heiliger.
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Children painting on the exibition from Wilhelm Heiliger.
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Children painting on the exibition from Wilhelm Heiliger.
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Children painting on the exibition from Wilhelm Heiliger.
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Children painting on the exibition from Wilhelm Heiliger.
18 / 81
Jump: figures in motion, collective sculpture.
19 / 81
Jump: figures in motion, collective sculpture.
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Jump: figures in motion, collective sculpture.
21 / 81
Jump: figures in motion, collective sculpture.
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Jump: figures in motion, collective sculpture.
23 / 81
Jump: figures in motion, collective sculpture.
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Jump: figures in motion, collective sculpture.
25 / 81
Houses in clay.
26 / 81
Houses in clay.
27 / 81
Painting a stilllife, flowers.
28 / 81
Painting a stilllife, flowers.
29 / 81
Painting a stilllife, flowers.
30 / 81
Painting a stilllife, flowers.
31 / 81
Modeling a foot in clay.
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Modeling a foot in clay.
33 / 81
Modeling a foot in clay.
34 / 81
Modeling a foot in clay.
35 / 81
Dripping, Universe.
36 / 81
Dripping, Universe.
37 / 81
Dripping, Universe.
38 / 81
Dripping, Universe.
39 / 81
Dripping, Universe.
40 / 81
Acropolis of Athens.
41 / 81
Acropolis of Athens.
42 / 81
Kouros statues in clay.
43 / 81
Kouros statues in clay.
44 / 81
Kouros statues in clay.
45 / 81
Kouros statues in clay.
46 / 81
Lions in the Chauvet cave, last chamber.
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Lions in the Chauvet cave, last chamber.
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Lions in the Chauvet cave, last chamber.
49 / 81
Horses in the Chauvet cave, chamber Hillaire.
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Horses in the Chauvet cave, chamber Hillaire.
51 / 81
Rhinoceroses in the Chauvet cave, last chamber.
52 / 81
Red rhinoceros, chamber 5.
53 / 81
Cro-Magnon Child Reconstruction by Elisabeth Daynès.
54 / 81
Cro-Magnon Child Reconstruction by Elisabeth Daynès.
55 / 81
Animals of Prehistory in clay relief.
56 / 81
Animals of Prehistory in clay relief.
57 / 81
Animals of Prehistory in clay relief.
58 / 81
Animals of Prehistory in clay relief.
59 / 81
Animals of Prehistory in clay relief.
60 / 81
Animals of Prehistory in clay relief.
61 / 81
Animals of Prehistory in clay relief.
62 / 81
Animals of Prehistory in clay relief.
63 / 81
Animals of Prehistory in color.
64 / 81
Animals of Prehistory in color.
65 / 81
Animals of Prehistory in color.
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Animals of Prehistory in color.
67 / 81
Animals of Prehistory in color.
68 / 81
Animals of Prehistory in color.
69 / 81
Basic bodies for the Prehistoric landscape.
70 / 81
Basic bodies for the Prehistoric landscape.
71 / 81
Basic bodies for the Prehistoric landscape.
72 / 81
Basic bodies for the Prehistoric landscape.
73 / 81
Basic bodies for the Prehistoric landscape.
74 / 81
Animals for the Prehistoric landscape.
75 / 81
Animals for the Prehistoric landscape.
76 / 81
Animals for the Prehistoric landscape.
77 / 81
A bit of a stop motion animation.
78 / 81
A bit of a stop motion animation.
79 / 81
A bit of a stop motion animation.
80 / 81
A bit of a stop motion animation.
81 / 81
A bit of a stop motion animation.

1 / 7
Christmas cards.
2 / 7
Christmas cards.
3 / 7
Christmas cards.
4 / 7
Christmas cards.
5 / 7
Christmas cards.
6 / 7
Christmas cards.
7 / 7
Christmas cards.

Julij Borštnik


telefon: +38651237407